الخميس، 2 أغسطس 2012

Getting Credit Cards With Bad Credit Is Possible With Compromises
Modern life dictates that a credit card is an important tool, as much as a source of credit finance. After all, how else can we book a hotel, buy an airplane ticket or do any of our online shopping? But it can be very difficult to get credit cards with bad credit, and not impossible.
The fact is that, with the weight of low credit scores, it is only to be expected that card issuers will hesitate to approve a credit card. Often, the first casualty to borrowers with poor scores is the credit card, with that bill usually left until last to be paid. Granting fast card approval is likely when the applicant has an excellent record of paying their credit card bills.
However, a fast rejection is likely if such a record is poor. Those that are willing to take the risk and approve the application, usually insist on a number of conditions. This is where compromises need to be made, though there are always credit card options to choose from.
Interest, Fees and Charges
When applying for credit cards with bad credit, the most likely compromises to accepted are an increase in interest rates, fees and other charges, as well as the absence of some commonly introductory incentives.
The chances of fast card approval are practically nil, but if the card issuer assesses that the risk is worth it, then they will try to cover that risk with a higher repayment rate. This can mean interest as high as 25% might be charged on the credit balance, compared to the normal 11%-14%. So, when $1,000 is spent, then a repayment of $1,250 has to be made.
It is also likely that a high annual fee will be charged, and that the normal 0% APR introductory offer is dropped. If the credit score is not too low (600 - 650), then the issuer may only reduce such incentives to shorter period of time - like 3 months instead of 6. But there are still credit card options.
Lower Credit Limits
Arguably the most significant restriction relates to the credit limit that is granted. Issuers know that mistakes of the past do not mean mistakes in the future, so they are willing to grant credit cards with bad credit. However, the credit available is very small, between $500 and $1,500.
This may seem pointless to have, but it does give a chance to the cardholder to develop a positive track record over time. Most issuers who grant such limited credit balances are willing to review the limit after a stated period of time - perhaps doubling the limit after 12 months. And as the trust level improves, such benefits as fast card approval are also restored.
What this means, of course, is that credit card options increase as a firm record in bill payment is developed. If nothing else, it makes accepting the compromises well worth the effort.
Avoiding the Extra Fees
The higher fees and lack of incentives might seem unfair, but it is worth taking into account that controlling ones own spending habits is the best way forward anyway. The problem with seeking credit cards with bad credit is that the chances of repayment are considered low too. But by controlling spending closely, and making payments consistently on time, issuers have a firm idea of how real that risk is.
Though fast card approval is an attractive feature, more important is rebuilding a credit rating that will see interest rates lowered again, and such incentives as bonus points and 0% APR for the first 6 months returned. Biting the bullet to achieve this is something that has to be done.
What's New in Office 2013?
Microsoft's Windows 8, a redesigned version of OS in the series of most versatile operating system in user friendliness, Windows, has been recently introduced. Windows 8 is a one-size-fits-all concept based OS for every device, be it a desktop PC, touch tablet or phone. Microsoft Office 2013 is a part of this venture, yet to be announced for its launch date and price.
Office 2013 is not just a document utility and productivity suite like its earlier versions but is integrated with many in-demand features to enhance the user experience. Office has been introduced with features and in-built applications, which users usually imagine to have in their office suite. Some of the features introduced in Office 2013 are:
  • PDF Edit: Office 2013 is integrated with a PDF editor taking inspiration from the habit of people to first convert their PDF to a Word file and then edit it. Now users can open their PDFs directly in a Word file and edit it, the need to separately convert the file has been by-passed in office 2013.

  • Touch Stimuli: Office 2013 is equipped with the capability to work equally efficient on a touch device as it works on a desktop because touch is the essence of devices nowadays. Though the concept of touch doesn't seem to be feasible in business perspective, this will soon make sense with the launch of Windows 8 based tablet, Surface. Even touch smart-phones will deploy Office 2013 for document editing.

  • Hand-writing Recognition: Since Office 2013 is touch capable, is it accustomed with handwriting recognition using stylus or finger touch. It easily speculates the words written by a user on the screen and automatically converts them into text.

  • Cloud Storage: Office 2013 is integrated with SkyDrive, to directly store all the recently created and used files on Microsoft's Cloud. Files, by default, are stored on SkyDrive service so that users don't have to carry their document everywhere. All they have to do is login to their SkyDrive account and access their recently used files. This has been made possible with the introduction of cloud computing platforms.

  • Flash Fill: Pattern recognitions and pattern analysis is introduced in Office 2013, for its MS Excel suite. Excel sheet recognizes the patterns in the data fields and automatically fills the other fields accordingly, once flash fill is enabled.

  • Social networking: Yammer, a social networking panel recently acquired by Microsoft, has been integrated in Office 2013. Also, it has a "people card" tool, which provides detailed information about the contacts including their Facebook and LinkedIn account updates.
Office 2013 has also been updated with some useful utilities like templates for budgets, calendars, form and reports. Other features integrated are Skype integration, One-note app for taking notes and directly putting them onto cloud to access anytime, anywhere, designed specially for tablet and smartphones. Windows mobile development has also improved the applications available in the windows market place making the surface tablet a viable option for many users out there.
Best Way to Remove a Virus From Your Computer
Virus's are almost an inevitable consequence of computer use nowadays. Even the most experienced user with the latest anti virus installed is susceptible to viral infection.
From simple surfing of the net, downloads of any kind, to reading your email, there are literally hundreds of ways for malware to invade your machine.
Usually one is quite aware of the infection; pop up's, redirected web results, rogue programs running etc are the obvious signs of an infection. There are other less obvious signs as well; inability to get online at all, blue screens, sluggish performance, computer freezing up, these can all point to an infection.
Even though the prevalence of these virus's is increasing, and the frustration they cause can be infuriating, there is good news! Most can be removed relatively easily; with a bit of patience and the information I'm about to give, you'll have all you need to defeat these nasty pests.
The first thing you'll want to do is download 3 free programs from the internet (you'll need a virus free computer for this part)
1. combofix
2. superantispyware
3. malwarebytes.
AS I stated earlier, each of these is free and readily available, just do a Google search for each. The next step you'll perform is to save these 3 programs on a usb flash drive; once completed boot up the infected pc into safe mode by pressing f8 while the machine is starting up. Once in safe mode, (these instructions work for all windows os's) go to "run" and type in "msconfig" A window will open with sevaral tabs on top, choose "start up" and choose "diagnostic start up" then reboot into safe mode again. Once in safe mode insert your usb flash drive and run "superantispyware" make sure you set it to perform a "complete scan" Superantispyware will run for anywhere from 30 minutes to well over an hour; once completed you will have a list of the spyware, virus's, malware found as well as cookies, you dont have to delete the cookies, but make sure anything else found is removed.
You will then run malwarebytes and remove whatever it finds. Lastly, run combofix. Combofix will find the tough ones such as rootkits and make the necessary repairs to the operating system. Your computer should now be virus free.
Now your computer is virus free, but that doesn't mean the damage the virus caused is cured! If you notice that your files are missing, or that your desktop no longer has any icons on it, download and run "unhide.exe. If you still can't get online, make sure your proxy settings are correct, (control panel, internet options, connections, lan settings, make sure nothing is checked) If you still are unable to access the internet, from a working computer download lspfix (Google search) and run from the thumb drive.
Once you've completed these steps your computer should be virus free and in working order. There are virus's however that will not be removed with these steps in which case it may be wise to call your local computer repair technician; 8 out of ten times though these steps will work. Good Luck.
The Benefits Of Antivirus Software
There is no doubt that the internet has revolutionised our lives, to the extent that it is often difficult to imagine how we would get by, either a social context or in a business environment, without access to the internet. All of which makes it so much more irritating when our access to the web is adversely affected by a virus which disrupts the operation of our computer, either temporarily or on a more long-term basis.
So what can you do to protect yourself from these kinds of malicious attacks? The simplest solution is to ensure that the device on which you access the internet - be it a PC, Mac or tablet - is protected by antivirus software.
When it comes to choosing antivirus software there is no shortage of choices out there. Each has its own pros and cons and the one you opt for will be determined to a certain extent by personal preference.
These programmes all operate in a similar way. The programme scans the files on your PC or other device, searching for any patterns or other identifiable trends which might be suggestive of a viral infection. To an extent what any antivirus programme is looking for is determined by data which has been extrapolated from viruses which have been previously successfully discovered, which means that it is important to ensure that if go to the bother of running an antivirus programme you have it regularly updated, the better to combat any new, previously unseen or updated viral infections.
Antivirus software is capable of running a scan on your computer automatically so that you do not require to intervene in the operation of the programme. You simply pay for the software, download it and it will carry out the necessary checks to ensure (relatively) worry-free operation of your PC or Mac.
In the event the software programme detects a virus which is attempting to attack your computer it should act to block the attack and then report the details to you automatically. Alternatively, some programmes will inform you that it has detected what it considers to be a virus or other malicious attempt to attack your computer and ask you whether you wish to clear this from your device.
So, if you are considering purchasing an antivirus programme to protect your computer which one should you choose? When all is said and done all antivirus programmes operate in basically the same way. If you are not sure which one to go for you can find lots of data and comparisons of different programmes online. Alternatively, you may be influenced by the experience of friends or business associates or indeed by budget. The important thing to bear in mind is that installing any antivirus software will provide you with some degree of protection, so that in itself is a good thing. Be aware, however, that all these programmes have their limitations and the fact that you have installed this type of software on your PC or other device does not mean that you should not continue to be on your guard against any suspicious activity you may come across while browsing.
There are a number of reputable and effective antivirus solutions on the market including Norton 360 antivirus from Norton Internet security
Secure Your PC From Malware
As the use of computers is rapidly increasing, cyber crimes are also increasing. Everyone is aware that nowadays most of your work is done on computers whether it is shopping or money transactions. In addition, your personal data is used on these websites. Many people can take unlawful advantage of this for their own benefit. Not only that, they can also damage your data stored on your PC, by sending viruses and other malware in emails. Therefore, you have to secure your PC from these types of practices. To this end, various PC security tools are available in the market today.
Computer malware are programs developed to damage data of any PC. These malware are transmitted by emails or from websites. Different malware present today are Trojans, worms, spyware and many more. You can infect your PC in various ways:
· Accepting unwanted files: Sometimes you click on ads prompted on your screen without realizing this creates a gateway for viruses to enter your PC
· Opening spam emails: Another way by which most people allow their PCs to be infected is to open spam emails and email attachments. If you receive any emails not sent by any person known to you, do not open them as they may contain viruses.
· Not using latest updates: If your operating system is not up-to-date, this can also leave your PC open to viruses. Always install latest updates of any program present in your PC. In addition, you must have latest versions of plug-ins too.
· Pirated software: If you are using any pirated/illegal software then beware of the risk of infecting your PC, as such software may carry malware along with them. Downloading and running the installer could prompt execution of any viruses present in the file..
· Downloading infected software: If you are planning to download any software or file, first check whether or not it is from a trustworthy source.
· No antivirus installed: Another main reason is your PC does not have any antivirus protection. An antivirus is the software which protects your PC from viruses.
There are many other sources which can introduce a virus into your PC. You can protect your PC from all types of malware by installing trusted security applications. In today's software market, there are various brands of feature-rich security applications with different technologies. You can select any of them for your PC as per your system's configuration. If you need help selecting and installing a security application, you can take PC security help. In addition, you can secure your PC from various malware by following certain other steps.
1. Always select an operating system from both vulnerability and security points-of-view. Regularly update the operating system/s on your PC with the latest security updates.
2. Always use a strong password for your online accounts, so your accounts cannot be easily hacked into.
3. Always open trusted sites. If you ever have any doubt about the authenticity of any site, do not take the risk of opening it.
4. The most important software which you must have in your system is an Antivirus. The very first step which every PC owner must take is to install an antivirus, which detects as well as deletes various viruses.
As you can see, these steps are very easy, every computer-literate person can use these steps for securing their PCs. You can get your expert PC security solution by availing PC security support.
Alternative Ways to Participate in the Stock Market
There are more mutual funds available today than there are stocks, and a tremendous industry surrounding them that provides research, facilitates meetings, sells software, hosts seminars, employs spokesmodels, and in general focuses on picking and buying the right stocks. The fundamental assumption is that the stock market goes up over time and will reward long-term investors with a return that will meet their financial goals. But this view has not always been the case. Prior to 1980, the stock market was considered by many to be too risky for retirement savings, and this didn't really change until the creation of 401(k) plans in 1981 and the subsequent explosion of mutual funds. Investors in the 80s and 90s then experienced a market that delivered an average annual return of 13% or more, and throwing darts at the business section of the local newspaper was as good a technique as any for picking stocks. The predominant strategy that came out of this time was to buy stocks or mutual funds, and hang on through the dips. Any other strategy in the 80s and 90s ultimately resulted in lower returns.
If you believe strongly that the stock market will always go higher and will do so within your investment timeframe, then a "buy stocks and hold on" strategy is consistent with your beliefs, but that's not the only strategy available. If you have doubts about what stocks will do over the next 10 years or so (as I do), then it would be prudent to understand the other methods that are available for being involved in the stock market. The stock market has been volatile but ultimately flat for about 13 years at the time of this writing, so we've already lost more than a decade of the 10% annual returns the stock market is supposed to provide, and from all indications it would seem that volatility will be around for a long time. With interest rates at all-time lows, bonds and bond funds are not the safe havens they used to be, so I still think stocks are the best vehicle for achieving inflation-beating returns. However, making money in stocks is going to take a little more work than simply buying stocks and hanging on for the ride.
Making Money When Stocks Go Down
If you firmly believe that the global economy is in a death spiral and you're ready to buy bottled water and find a cave to live in, then shorting stocks is the most consistent strategy with your belief system. Shorting a stock involves selling a stock you don't own (i.e. borrowing it from your broker for a while), with the intent of purchasing it back later at a lower price. If you're right, this strategy can make you look brilliant at dinner parties because you will be making money while everyone else is losing money. However, if you're wrong, you will need to diligently avoid any financial conversations. Investment advisors who aren't afraid of risking other people's money will sometimes feel so strongly about the direction of the market that they will make a big bet on the short side of the market. Those who are successful end up with their own radio shows. Those who are a little off on their timing end up with clients who are losing money while everyone else is making money. In a short amount of time, these advisors are asking "would you like fries with that."
Limiting Losses
Warren Buffett's famous rules of investing are "Rule No. 1: Never lose money. Rule No. 2: Never forget Rule No. 1." Accepting unlimited losses in the hope that stocks will come back violates both of these rules. As a general rule, limiting losses requires giving up some amount of upside potential. One way to accomplish this is to insure your stocks using Put options. Put options establish an absolute floor on potential losses at the expense of the premium paid for the options. Although there are several techniques that can help recover some or all of the cost of the "Put insurance," if the stock price does not fall before the option expires, the cost of the Put option is lost. This is similar to losing the premium on your homeowner's insurance if your house doesn't burn down. Most people have accepted the tradeoff and are not disappointed when they don't end up using their fire insurance. The belief that is consistent with a "limited loss" strategy is that stocks will go up, but that large losses are unacceptable.
Direction-Neutral Strategy (Exploiting Stock Volatility)
The final method I'll cover is for investors more interested in meeting financial goals than in keeping up with the market. Similar to a Limited Loss strategy, a Direction-Neutral strategy (or, more accurately, delta-neutral) involves giving up a little more upside potential in return for an equal chance to profit when a stock moves down. This strategy profits from stock volatility in either direction instead of only when a stock goes up. From a very high level, think of this strategic objective as capturing some of the upside when a stock goes up (say, 5% if a stock goes up 10%), and capturing some more upside when a stock goes down (another 2.5% if the stock pulls back 5%). With this technique, the risk is no longer that a stock price might drop, but rather that a stock price stays the same with very little volatility.
Since Direction-Neutral is probably less familiar to most people than other strategies, it merits a little more detail. It should be noted that "Direction-Neutral", or "delta neutral," is different than the typical strategy used in a long-short or market-neutral mutual fund. The typical fund categorized as long-short or market-neutral uses a combination of owning stocks that are expected to go up and shorting stocks that are expected to go down. The problem is that this raises the possibility of being wrong on both sides. A delta neutral position uses a combination of stocks and options so that the only amount of capital at risk is the cost of the options. If the stock price does not move, the value of the options will gradually decay similar to the Limited Loss strategy. So the trick is to pick a stock that moves. Microsoft is probably not a good candidate for a delta neutral strategy, but Google or Apple would be. Similarly, Johnson & Johnson is probably not a good healthcare holding, but a volatile biotech stock would be interesting. In general, it is easier to pick a stock that has a good chance of price movement in the future (just look at the last several earnings cycles) than trying to pick a stock that will consistently go up in the future.
Another requirement for a successful direction-neutral strategy is the ability to lock in gains and readjust the position. If the stock price moves up or down after a neutral position is established, the position is no longer neutral. If the position has met a performance goal, or if the underlying stock shows signs that it may be done moving, it is important to lock in the gain and readjust the position back to neutral. This requires work that goes well beyond buying a stock and chanting "I will not sell, I will not sell,... " Diligently watching the performance of direction-neutral positions and managing them appropriately allows profits to be captured on moves in one direction and additional profits if the stock bounces are pulls back.
Below is a summary of the four basic techniques for investing in stocks, along with the belief about the stock market that would be consistent with each technique.
Technique:Buy stocks (or mutual funds) and hold on.
Primary Risk:Stocks may go down
Belief: "Stocks will go up fast enough to meet my financial goals regardless of short-term losses."
Technique:Short stocks (or buy inverse funds or bear market funds)
Primary Risk:Stocks may go up
Belief:"Global conditions are deteriorating and the market is in trouble."
Technique:Limit Losses
Primary Risk:Stocks go down or stay the same, but risk is limited
Belief:"I think stocks will go up over time, but I can't or won't accept large losses."
Primary Risk:Lack of volatility
Belief:"I'm not sure which direction stocks will go, but I'm pretty sure they'll go somewhere."
How to Purchase a Business VoIP System
The VoIP system has been designed keeping in mind small business infrastructures as they are easy to use, affordable and reliable. This system, also known as "Internet telephony", offers big value for small business budgets and is the most effective business tool offering many features including free technical support and uncomplicated installation.
VoIP allows multiple location integration and this characteristic of the business phone system makes it a handy tool for business enterprises. Commercial establishments are able to avail of both traditional telephone network as well as the VoIP where they can connect to any single medium according to their preference.
The two basic varieties of VoIP require a regular phone, adapter, broadband Internet connection and a subscription to VoIP service. VoIP phone system streamline the business in-house phone network, while giving customizable features at no extra cost. It saves money by routing calls over the internet and is accessible globally wherever there is broadband connection. VoIP is based on digital package configuration which indicates that numerous Internet phone calls can be simultaneously and can be dispatched through the same Local Area Network (LAN) that facilitates Internet access. This methodology makes it highly cost effective.
This makes the business phone system a great investment for entrepreneurs as they can unite multiple offices on a single phone system irrespective of the remoteness of various locations. The VoIP phone system eliminates long distance calling charges and is suitable for both small set-ups and large establishments.
Buying VoIP for business from a local authorized outlet is the best suggested option. The licensed and certified dealers with proven expertise and manufacture support have the ability to respond quickly to urgent problems even those requiring on-site visits.
This business phone system should normally not be purchased from those vendors who have a background in data networking as they may sell "VoIP only" system. Such a purchase may increase costs unnecessarily when a hybrid / traditional VoIP system may be found to be more suitable.
The business VoIP system price structure varies based on the features chosen by the client, existing telephony infrastructure and the state of data network. Before committing to install VoIP as a business phone system, it would be judicious to evaluate the potential savings around toll-free calling between all locations. The licensed outlets are the best choice for buying this as they possess the ability to access the manufacturer directly for VoIP equipment upgrades or complicated installation problems.
VoIP equipment supplies reduce administrative overhead and increases productivity. This device is preferred by frequent travelers as phone connections can easily be accessed through their laptops. Even pictures and documents could be sent while talking over the phone. Call center VoIP is the latest technology breakthrough that combines geographically dispersed call center locations into a central functional u
Hearing Center - Determining The Severity Of Loss
An assessment at your local hearing center can tell you more than just whether or not you have a problem being able to hear the conversations around you. There are varying levels of loss that need to be taken into consideration. There are different solutions based on the results of your test. It is in your best interest to get as much information as possible from the assessment and use it to find out where your level of loss is and what type of equipment can help.
Two Extremes
Most people know that there are extremes when it comes to a hearing center test. You can walk away with a glowing report that says your ability to hear is perfect. This is great news, and at this point in your life, you do not need any assistance. On the other hand, you can take the test and have absolutely no ability to hear whatsoever. These are the two extremes, but there is a lot of area in between. In fact, most people fall somewhere in this gray area.
Mild Loss
If you learn at the hearing center that you have a mild loss, you may be breathing a sigh of relief. This means that you are picking up on most of the noises around you. Your trouble probably lies around soft noises that are heard outside of your sight range. It could also mean that you have trouble understanding what someone is trying to say if there is a lot of background noise or you are in a loud environment. There is equipment that can help, and with this stage of loss, you may be okay without any assistance.
Moderate Loss
The assessment at the hearing center could reveal that you have moderate loss. This is more noticeable than mild loss. In fact, you may have noticed that you tend to ask the people around you to repeat themselves when they are trying to talk to you. Have you had someone get frustrated with you because they have been talking to you and you had no idea? Soft and moderately loud noises can be difficult to hear. If there is any type of background noise, a conversation with another person can be tough.
Severe Loss
If you suffer from severe loss, you may need to have a person get very close to your ear and speak loudly for you to be able to hear. This means that everyone around you tends to speak loudly and sometimes slowly to make sure that you understand the conversation. Group conversations are even harder to participate in. This can be awkward for you and the people around you. If you have not made an appointment with a hearing center, now is the time to do it.
Five Reasons to Stock Up on Food
A relatively healthy person can live from four to six weeks without food. There are a lot of things that influence that two week window. How much does the person weigh before they start going without food? Are they getting enough to drink? What is the climate like? Another very important factor is a person's mental attitude and willpower.
There are many reasons to stockpile food. The world is going through some uncertain times that most people alive now have never experienced. If society begins to break down food is the most imperative thing to have. Already one in six Americans worry about having enough to eat each day.
What are the most important reasons to have a store of food?
One reason is inflation. The United States is currently on the same path of runaway inflation as Germany was when the price of bread doubled daily until it cost billions. During inflation the price of food and other goods goes up, but wages do not.
Another reason is global warming. It doesn't matter if it's real or not real, man-made or natural. The government is still using it as a reason to control things that affect the food supply such as the taxing of farmers and regulating crop fertilization. Some local governments are already trying to regulate how much and what foods we can buy. There is already legislation being proposed to prevent people from having their own gardens and telling farmers what they can grow and how they have to grow it. Planting a garden is a great way to store up food for the future, but unfortunately the majority of our population don't have the time or the land to plant them.
The quality of food is another thing to consider. Food is imported from countries that don't have strict safety standards with regards to insecticides and fertilizers. Also bacterial and chemical contamination is more likely on imported foods. People should be very careful when buying food. It's important to know where it came from and how it was handled.
Even if the economy doesn't completely fall apart it's still a good idea to have a food store in case of emergency. You never know when a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a flood might occur. You might not be able to get to the grocery store and even if you could they might not be open for business. Drought is an on-going disaster that would cause the price of some foods to rise dramatically.
In today's economy loss of employment is a real possibility. The emotional impact of that loss can be relieved somewhat if you don't have to worry about putting food on the table.
These are some of the main reasons to consider coming up with a plan for medium to long-term food storage. There are many companies out there that can help with this process or you can just do it yourself. It's something to think about.
Windows 8 or Samsung Galaxy S3: Which Smartphone Is More Likely to Lead?
The technology market and scenario are ever changing, keeping up with the trend mobile companies keep updating their software to get ahead in the competition. Samsung Galaxy S3 has been well received by the technology geeks and many have appreciated it in terms of technology. Reportedly keeping up with the trend Windows 8 Phone is soon to arrive in the market. Now the question is how much will it be able to spread its influence, especially amongst the users who have already experienced the technology offered by Galaxy S3?
The success of Galaxy S3 can be defined by the number of users it acquired within a couple of months of its launch. In the first two months, this phone successfully sold out 10 million phones. This marks its achievement on terms of grabbing the interest of maximum technology geeks and giving a tough competition to Apple.
Interestingly Apple is not the only rival that Galaxy S3 will be up against in the technology market. It will be competing against phones that are powered by Windows8. Therefore, it is not just about a brand name that Samsung is standing up against but also about the technology offered.
The launch of Windows8 is yet to be scheduled but one thing is for sure that it is up against Samsung. Both these phones are world apart but on terms of technology both are offering their best. Let us compare and contrast as to what both these have to offer the user in terms of hardware and home screen.
Let us now compare both these products on various criteria.
Home Screen
Microsoft is all geared up to provide various options to its users. For starters, it is all about to launching a Windows8 enabled Smartphone with a screen that is going to meet user expectations. The icons displayed on the screen will be from Redmond Firm. These icons will resemble a tile like looks and a user gets the advantage of reshaping these icons as per requirement. Users will have numerous size options to choose from when it comes to resizing the icons. You can also change the colors of the icon tiles.
As compared to Galaxy S 3 these features are missing and so the users might be more interested in the product form the onset of its launch. Another thing to notice is that Samsung UI, home screen and the firmware are more like conventional in their setup but with Windows8 user will have a rich experience.
One similarity will still be there when it comes to Android powered phones and Windows 8 phones. Both these phones are manufactured by the collaboration of multiple companies, technology companies have put together their combined efforts to bring out a best-finished product. Interestingly this is the first time ever that Microsoft is about to extend support for multi-core processors. Earlier it was only into distribution of firmware for producers. Additionally the company will also be incorporating dual and quad core (chips) for enhancing the battery power. This means that the upcoming product will be incorporated with the latest technology that will enable in better performance and battery life.
Samsung Galaxy S3 on the other hand is a phone that has Quadcore processor. It has came up with Exynos quad-core chipset (4212 Quad) and a Cortex-A49 advanced processor that is 1.4GHz power. Additionally the Smartphone has a 400MP (Mali processor) this enhances the functionality of graphical power. This is what makes the device more competitive.
Interestingly there are rumors going about in the technology market about the Galaxy S3 that is all set to obtain the firmware by Google. The Jelly Bean firmware is something that Samsung is banking upon for upgrading its product and keeping the users engaged. Some technology experts are of the opinion that this is one of the best Smartphone one can find. But as far as changing technology trend goes, with Windows8 phone one may find many advantages, one of them is the enhanced UI experience. In addition, the launch of this Smartphone may set a trend of Windows enabled phones.
Sales percentage
As far as the sales figures go, Microsoft is hopeful in fetching the majority of sales with the launch of its Windows8 enabled Smartphone. When we look at the percentage of Windows phones in the recent times it is not as impressive, in fact it has been falling at 4.4% in US in the month of March. While Android powered phone has managed to hold 50% of its sales in US. Additionally, the iOS by Apple has managed about 30% of sales. This indicates that in coming time with the launch of Windows8 the sales may again start increasing in percentage, especially when the users are lured with enhanced technology and screen display.
In conclusion, Windows8 enabled Smartphone will be able to actually prove its worth in the technology market on its launch. Until then one can only speculate the probable outcome and depict something positive to look for. As far as Galaxy S3 is concerned, you never know when Samsung again might come up with yet another enhanced version to compete against Microsoft product.
Marigold Henry Montana is a technical expert who deals with various computer related issues. She is capable of handling the software as well as hardware troubleshooting. She advises people on basic upkeep and maintenance of their PC, Laptops, Notebooks and Tablets. She is working as a freelance technology writer and as fulltime online tech support for a well known IT software company. Her aim is to spread the technical know-how to the people all around the globe.
Satellite or Cable: Which Is Better?
Not sure if cable or satellite is better? Then you should check out this article! Most people see compelling ads that point out each provider's latest features and offers but are the most important factors to consider when choosing a provider. This article will give you a better understanding of cable and satellite.
Price difference:
Typically cable bills charge taxes and fees which may include franchising, broadcasting, and other types of regulatory fees. Digital Cable generally ranges from $60 to over $130. Satellite has packages with everyday prices under $50 a month. Other fees include equipment and services fees for high-definition and digital video recorders.
Satellite companies have been offering services for years without having to charge fees beyond the standard sales taxes. In recent years, some states have had to enforce new taxes. However, satellite fees are nowhere near the height you'll find with cable companies. These companies have to spend large sums of money to build and upgrade networks. Some which require government approval and regulatory fees. When broken down channel by channel satellite comes out ahead. Both cable and satellite companies have introductory offers that get you in cheap if you're willing to commit to a service agreement averaging about 24-months nowadays. Commitments to service come with advantages like discounts on equipment, installation and programming packages
Package Difference:
Satellite Systems have the ability to broadcast over 500 channels directly to the home. Satellite is 100% digital so the quality is never fuzzy. A slight pitfall for satellite has always been their local station offering. Satellite has most of the major networks in all the major metropolitan areas but may lack some of the smaller stations residents typically get using an over-the-air antenna.
Cable Systems can provide over 300 channels all digitally formatted. Digital Cable has more local channels in major cities than satellite. Cable may also carry specialized stations dedicated to the local sports team or industry at a metropolitan level.
Equipment Difference:
Satellite consists of an antenna that is set up outside the home. The antenna is connected to a receiver inside the home using a coaxial cable. Satellite problems can generally be managed at the premises where the equipment is located.
Cable consists of wire runs from a central distribution point over a strand of networks that are laid throughout major metropolitan areas. Problems may occur at the home premises or somewhere along the network. Quality of service may become poor as the signal degradation occurs with every connection.
In summary, services are comparable but it's usually price, eligibility and equipment features that determine our decision. All providers have advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to understand determining factors when choosing a provider.