الخميس، 2 أغسطس 2012

Secure Your PC From Malware
As the use of computers is rapidly increasing, cyber crimes are also increasing. Everyone is aware that nowadays most of your work is done on computers whether it is shopping or money transactions. In addition, your personal data is used on these websites. Many people can take unlawful advantage of this for their own benefit. Not only that, they can also damage your data stored on your PC, by sending viruses and other malware in emails. Therefore, you have to secure your PC from these types of practices. To this end, various PC security tools are available in the market today.
Computer malware are programs developed to damage data of any PC. These malware are transmitted by emails or from websites. Different malware present today are Trojans, worms, spyware and many more. You can infect your PC in various ways:
· Accepting unwanted files: Sometimes you click on ads prompted on your screen without realizing this creates a gateway for viruses to enter your PC
· Opening spam emails: Another way by which most people allow their PCs to be infected is to open spam emails and email attachments. If you receive any emails not sent by any person known to you, do not open them as they may contain viruses.
· Not using latest updates: If your operating system is not up-to-date, this can also leave your PC open to viruses. Always install latest updates of any program present in your PC. In addition, you must have latest versions of plug-ins too.
· Pirated software: If you are using any pirated/illegal software then beware of the risk of infecting your PC, as such software may carry malware along with them. Downloading and running the installer could prompt execution of any viruses present in the file..
· Downloading infected software: If you are planning to download any software or file, first check whether or not it is from a trustworthy source.
· No antivirus installed: Another main reason is your PC does not have any antivirus protection. An antivirus is the software which protects your PC from viruses.
There are many other sources which can introduce a virus into your PC. You can protect your PC from all types of malware by installing trusted security applications. In today's software market, there are various brands of feature-rich security applications with different technologies. You can select any of them for your PC as per your system's configuration. If you need help selecting and installing a security application, you can take PC security help. In addition, you can secure your PC from various malware by following certain other steps.
1. Always select an operating system from both vulnerability and security points-of-view. Regularly update the operating system/s on your PC with the latest security updates.
2. Always use a strong password for your online accounts, so your accounts cannot be easily hacked into.
3. Always open trusted sites. If you ever have any doubt about the authenticity of any site, do not take the risk of opening it.
4. The most important software which you must have in your system is an Antivirus. The very first step which every PC owner must take is to install an antivirus, which detects as well as deletes various viruses.
As you can see, these steps are very easy, every computer-literate person can use these steps for securing their PCs. You can get your expert PC security solution by availing PC security support.

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