الخميس، 2 أغسطس 2012

Five Reasons to Stock Up on Food
A relatively healthy person can live from four to six weeks without food. There are a lot of things that influence that two week window. How much does the person weigh before they start going without food? Are they getting enough to drink? What is the climate like? Another very important factor is a person's mental attitude and willpower.
There are many reasons to stockpile food. The world is going through some uncertain times that most people alive now have never experienced. If society begins to break down food is the most imperative thing to have. Already one in six Americans worry about having enough to eat each day.
What are the most important reasons to have a store of food?
One reason is inflation. The United States is currently on the same path of runaway inflation as Germany was when the price of bread doubled daily until it cost billions. During inflation the price of food and other goods goes up, but wages do not.
Another reason is global warming. It doesn't matter if it's real or not real, man-made or natural. The government is still using it as a reason to control things that affect the food supply such as the taxing of farmers and regulating crop fertilization. Some local governments are already trying to regulate how much and what foods we can buy. There is already legislation being proposed to prevent people from having their own gardens and telling farmers what they can grow and how they have to grow it. Planting a garden is a great way to store up food for the future, but unfortunately the majority of our population don't have the time or the land to plant them.
The quality of food is another thing to consider. Food is imported from countries that don't have strict safety standards with regards to insecticides and fertilizers. Also bacterial and chemical contamination is more likely on imported foods. People should be very careful when buying food. It's important to know where it came from and how it was handled.
Even if the economy doesn't completely fall apart it's still a good idea to have a food store in case of emergency. You never know when a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a flood might occur. You might not be able to get to the grocery store and even if you could they might not be open for business. Drought is an on-going disaster that would cause the price of some foods to rise dramatically.
In today's economy loss of employment is a real possibility. The emotional impact of that loss can be relieved somewhat if you don't have to worry about putting food on the table.
These are some of the main reasons to consider coming up with a plan for medium to long-term food storage. There are many companies out there that can help with this process or you can just do it yourself. It's something to think about.

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